Eastside Post News Alerts

Rochester, Minnesota

Personal Invitation

I would like to personally invite you to join the official Eastside Pioneers Neighborhood Association (ESPNA) website located at www.espna.us

The ESPNA website is new, only a few months old, and we are still in the process of constructing and enhancing it to make it the best that it can be. We are also learning, as we go along, how to operate the website so we ask for your patience as well.

The ESPNA is an established neighborhood association. We have been serving this neighborhood and our community for 17 years.  Our meeting times have remained virtually unchanged since our founding in 1997. They are the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 PM.  We meet at the Boys and Girls Club, located at 1026 East Center Street.

Diversity and Inclusion are of utmost importance to the ESPNA. We are open to people from diverse backgrounds, human characteristics and communities. We are inclusive in that we value the perspectives and contributions of all people. We strive to incorporate the needs and viewpoints of diverse stakeholders into the design of our services. We encourage a sense of belonging.

The ESPNA website was created out of our commitment to Diversity and Inclusion. We sought another avenue of communication that would actively include more people from our neighborhood and our community. We also wanted  to produce more deliverables for neighborhood and community utilization. The website guidelines follow those set forth by most other associations, businesses and organizations, to ensure a quality, professionally operated website.  The website will serve as another means to disseminate information to the neighborhood and community. It will also serve as another tool for garnering information from the neighborhood and the community that will enable us to serve the public better in the future.

Feel free to browse the information tabs on our website and let us know what you think. We encourage your comments and input. We are interested in hearing from you. 

Michael J. LaPlante


Eastside Pioneers Neighborhood Association


507-244-1898 (cell)




Updated: January 27, 2014 — 3:50 am

1 Comment

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  1. s for the invitation. I welcome the opportunity to stay informed about your neighborhood associaion and its activities.

    Sheila Kiscaden, Co. Commissioner District 6

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